Reduce your costs and increase your utilization

SLOTSMART Imbalance enables ocean carriers, equipment lessors and NVOCCs to save time, reduce asset management costs and maximize asset utilization. Our expert brokers find opportunities tailored to our customers to interchange equipment and buy and sell slot space in areas where surplus and deficits exist around the globe. SLOTSMART provides comprehensive regional and global imbalance management services that allow SLOTSMART customers to interchange equipment and optimize their container assets. Equipment owners routinely save up to 65% in equipment repositioning costs using our web-based services and broker network, lowering costs by hundreds of dollars per unit.

SLOTSMART’s team of experienced, multilingual brokers understands global and regional trade patterns and use exclusive web tools to track equipment surpluses, deficits, available inventory and slot space around the globe. Constant updates from the industry’s largest network of ocean carrier suppliers and receivers ensure that SLOTSMART brokers have current information to target the most optimal exchanges of equipment and vessel slot space. Because the information is readily available to SLOTSMART brokers all the time, you get more relevant matches quickly, allowing you to save more money.  

Key Benefits:
  • Save time managing equipment imbalances
  • Reduce asset management costs and maximize asset utilization
  • Drastically reduce container repositioning costs
  • Suppliers have access to more receivers: receivers to more suppliers
  • Free use of interchange equipment
  • Reduced container leasing costs
  • Fulfill customer demand and increase profits

Find out more about how SLOTSMART Imbalance solutions significantly reduce the cost of repositioning empty equipment: